Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Some Rare Images Of Waffen SS

                  Some Rare Images Of Waffen SS

Waffen SS Officer Kurt Meyer awards a Knight's Cross to Hermann Weiser at Kharkov, 1943. On the right is the Chief Medical Officer Hermann Bezuden of the Adolf Hitler Division

Joachim Peiper (1915-1976) in Austria, April 1945

A Waffen SS soldier takes aim in 1941  on the Eastern Front

A Waffen SS man in action in 1941 on the eastern front

Norwegian motor cycle riders from the Waffen SS 'Viking' Division in 1941 on the eastern front

Waffen SS soldiers armed with MG 34 machine gun and 50 mm mortar move in Kalitka on the eastern front in 1941

Men from the Landstorm Nederland Division

Some Red Army soldiers surrender to men from the Das Reich SS Division on August 25, 1941on the eastern front.

Soldiers from the Dutch "Westland" SS regiment on a Munich street in 1941 with a German nurse and child

A mountain ranger from the SS Division "Nord" in the Kola peninsula in 1941

New recruits for the Waffen SS Division 'Nederland' at the Hague August 7, 1941.

Officers of the 1st SS Division "Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler" Sturmbannführer Josef Diefenthal and Sturmbannführer Gustav Knittel look at the prisoners, 3rd Battalion, 119th Infantry Regiment, 30th Infantry Division of the American in a street at the Belgian town of Stoumont. Ardennes, December 16, 1944.

Captured American soldiers of the 3rd Battalion of the 119th Infantry Regiment. In 1944 at Stoumont, Belgium

Two Waffen SS soldiers clamber over a wire fence on the eastern front

SS soldiers from the 2nd Motorised Division 'Das Reich' in a Soviet village with a Sd.Kfz 10 half track in 1941

Šturmbannfûrer SS Luis Taler (left) and oberšturmbannfûrer Armando Giorleo from  the Italian №1 SS Division on the Italian Front, November 1944.

A Gunner company from SS Regiment "Der Führer"  passes by the south-eastern corner of the Royal Palace on Dam Square  in Amsterdam, May 1940  in a Wanderer W-11.

SS soldiers smoking cigarettes with an abandoned American armored M8 "Greyhound on the road near the Belgian village of Poteau, December 1944. early morning of December 18

A SS man and a Gestapo men captured by armed Czech men in Prague in May, 1945. One supposes they were later tortured and killed.

SS-Obergruppenführer Sepp Dietrich discusses with British officers terms of surrender in Greece. In 1941.

Waffen SS soldiers with a MG 34 machine gun at Mariupol, 1941

Leon Degrelle with his men of the SS Wallonia Brigade

Waffen SS men from the 12th Armored Division in a Jagdpanther in the Ardennes January, 1945

Eastern front: A waffen SS soldier looks through his binoculars. Destroyed Soviet vehicles seen in the background.

Soldiers of the "Liebstandarte" Adolf Hitler Division look on helplessly as a Tiger tank and a truck get bogged down in mud in the Fatima area of Ukraine, November, 1943.

German armored Sd.Kfz.251 / 9 "Stummel"  with 4th SS Panzer Corps soldiers. In the foreground are prisoners of war and local, during the onset  of the German operation "Conrad". Hungary, in January 1945.

The commander of the 12th SS Regiment Obersturmbannfuehrer Max Wünsche, (1914-1995) (with the bandage on his head) and the commander of the 3rd Company of the 1st Battalion of the 12th Regiment of the SS Hauptsturmführer Rudolf von Ribbentrop (Rudolf von Ribbentrop, the year of birth - 1921, on the right part of the frame) on the streets of the French village of Po (Rots) with soldiers of the 25th Regiment of the SS. France, 9 June 1944.Rudolf von Ribbentrop - the son of the minister propogandy Germany Joachim von Ribbentrop.

Towards the end. Waffen SS on the road in Hungary in 1945

Men from 'Das Reich' during battle at Elnya in 1941

A soldier from the 6th SS Mountain Division 'Nord' shakes the hand of a wounded Finnish soldier in September-October 1942

Men from the 5th SS 'Wiking' Division frantically load 88 mm armor piercing shells onto a Tiger tank during the Batle of Kursk. July 1943.

Waffen SS soldiers in Kharkov (February-April 1943)

SS soldiers escort Polish employees of Danzig post office after they were flushed out with explosives and flame-throwers on September 1, 1939.

A dead Waffen SS soldier lies in the snow after the Battle of the Bulge. 1945

Soldiers of 9th SS Divsion in Arnhem with a Stug 3 in September 1944

SS men from the Heinz Harmel battle group on the yard of the Kharkov Tractor Plant. March 16, 1943.

The lucky Waffen SS survivors in Korsun-Cherkassy.January-February 1944. Thousands of Germans were massacred at the Korsun pocket by Koniev's men.

Waffen SS men take a breather during a lull in the fighting. Eastern Front 1941.

Danes greet soldiers of the SS Free Korps Denmark after they returned from the Eastern Front. August 1942.

Men of 6th Mountain Division 'Nord' load ammunition on sleigh pulled by dogs

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